Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Space Analysis

When thinking about places to observe I wanted to go to one that always had a decent amount of people going through it throughout the day. This is why I chose to observe Dutch's. The restaurant has a large variety of people and to be honest another reason was that it's close and I wouldn't have to drive anywhere.

Now the question is when to observe. I think the best time to observe would be when there are a lot of people going in and out of Dutch's either around lunch or dinner time. This is why I plan on going there on Thursday around 5:30 or 6:00 p.m., this will give me a good feel for the dinner crowd. I am also planning on going to Dutch's on Saturday around noon to get an idea of how the restaurant is run around lunch time.

From the few times that I have been to Dutch's I have always been satisfied with my visit. I believe this is because it has a very welcoming feel. The employees there are nice and the food is nothing to complain about. I think by observing this place my thoughts about it will only be reassured.

Monday, January 26, 2009


When I think about communities I belong to the first one that comes to mind and the most obvious one is being a TCU student. A particular part of TCU that I "belong" to has to do with my job, an intramural referee. Being involved with this has made my time here at TCU very enjoyable at some points and has helped in meeting new people. This also in a way has to do with a second "community" I'm involved in. That would be the major I am pursuing, Kinesiology. Having the major takes me to the Rec Center at least once a day which also allows me to have a reason to be at the Rec Center to workout, when the motivation isn't there.

Another community would be where im from, Richardson, Texas (North Dallas). In high school the one place some of my friends and I always met up was a burger joint called Purdy's. They have some amazing burgers and shakes which we took advantage of many times.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The other day, as I was driving, I noticed a billboard with a very sickly looking African child. The billboard was asking for money to be sent to a certain foundation to help feed needy children in Africa. When referring to the three different types of appeals the one that is utilized the most is the emotional appeal or pathos. Seeing that picture would hit right to the heart of most people who read it. The major attribute of the billboard that caught my eye were the words that were printed to go along with the picture. It read, "It only costs pennies per day to save a life!". I think without those words it would be less effective. With this quote it allows people to see that it isn't hard to save a child's life in Africa.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Unit 1 Blog- 1/14/09

Hey everyone, my name is Cameron Kinlaw, and I am a sophomore at TCU. Up until this semester I was studying Biology with the intentions of going to med school. I have recently changed my major to Kinesiology with the goal of maybe becoming a physical therapist. I am from Dallas, Texas where most of my family currently resides. I have a twenty-one-year-old brother named Chance and a seventeen-year-old sister named Jordan.
In relation to this class my honest reason for enrolling in this class was solely to receive my sophomore comp credit. I'm hoping that this class can also help me in bettering myself as a writer. Outside of school I don't do much writing, other than the daily texts and emails I send to my friends, teachers, and family members. This sometimes causes me to think less of myself as a writer because of the lack of extensive writing I participate in.
So what has made me into the person I am today? I believe it has been the surroundings I've had throughout my life. The major thing would be where I was raised and the household I grew up in. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas in a huge family. Although I don't have a ton of brothers and sisters I have nineteen cousins that I see more than some people see their siblings. By having such a close and large family I have developed into a very non-shy person with good family values.
I have have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus, which I see as a contract for our course.